The Barrett Fitzsimmons Memorial Scholarship
We want to Congratulate Cassie Pencil. She is the winner of the 1st annual Barrett Fitzsimmons Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1500.
Cassie Pencil is a Senior at Northwestern High School. She is an active member of the Marching Band (field commander this year), Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Concert Band. She is a Student Body Officer and a member of the National Honor Society where she is also an Officer. She is a 4 year Jan Van Gorder Scholar and will graduate with Honors. She is heavily involved in Young Life and plans to become a leader in college. Aside of her schoolwork, activities and job, Cassie likes to volunteer with the Salvation Army, the Springfield Soup Kitchen and the Clark County SPCA. I could not be more proud of the person she has become and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for her! She will be attending THE Ohio State University this fall to major in STEM Education.
We Also would like to congratulate the following students who were awarded a $250 scholarship.
Adelyn Stalder
Allex Smith
Dean Kaffenbarger
Emma Crew
Emma Randall
Hannah Swenson
Jenna Cleland
Mattilyn Steiner
Sydney Foster